Plants are considered by many as one the beginning and primary basis of all life on Earth. They have always been a part of our life, and we know that they are useful in many ways ranging from food to building shelter to having medicinal properties.
Although their benefits are often more subtle than their more dramatic counterparts (like pharmaceuticals), they can still have an impact on our health and well-being. Are plants really impactful on your health? Do you know how plants affect your health? What are the benefits? And how can they help you? This article is here to answer all these questions and more.
Are plants really impactful on your health?
Plants can be good for your health. They come in different varieties, shapes, and forms. Some plants (when not including contaminants, additives and excipients) have been researched with results showing an improvement in concentration, beauty, and youthfulness. It is important to know the best types of plants, their benefits, where they are sourced and manufactured in final form so they can positively impact your health to use them more appropriately.
Best Types of Plants and Their Benefits
There are many reasons why you should consider adding plants to your health and wellness routine. This blog post will look at the most common health benefits of using plants as part of your daily routine. Here’s a list of 10 plants that are good for your health and how they can positively impact your life.
Vegetables: Green vegetables are some of the richest sources of antioxidants such as vitamin C or E, which have been shown in numerous studies can reduce aging-related diseases and protect against diseases including cancer. As strong as bacteria, viruses and parasites are in your body, the importance of plants against them cannot be underestimated. Immune systems will be weakened by the presence or harmful bacteria, viruses, fungus and parasites, thus making the body more vulnerable to other pathogens. When antibiotics were first developed and introduced into clinical practice, doctors took advantage of the fact that they have powerful antimicrobial effects on resistant microbes as some are found in green plants. Predominant green vegetables include leafy greens, cauliflower, broccoli, tomato, and peppers.
Gingko: Gingko is one of the best homeopathic plants. It’s a tree species that grows in Japan and China and is used as the main herb in Chinese medicines. It acts as an antioxidant, which helps keep the body protect itself from diseases like cancer and heart disease by fighting free-radical molecules that lead to cell damage or death when activated. The main active ingredients of ginkgo are Vitamin K and silica. Medicines like capsules, extracts, and even tablets are made with these plant leaves. Some people also consume it as tea. Its main health benefits include boosting the brain and influencing bone healing. It also has been noted to reduce diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.
Evening Primrose Oil: Here's another amazing plant that can help with your skin health. The oil collected from the beautiful yellow primrose flower can treat skin diseases like eczema and reduce the symptoms of PMS. It is also often used for hard-to-treat cancers. Primrose flowers have anti-inflammatory properties that help improve the lives of those with autoimmune illness. Finally, it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for proper brain function.
Turmeric: A brilliant orange spice that is anti-inflammatory in nature with vitamin C and has been known to help people with various joint issues and diseases. This worldwide cooking ingredient is also rich in antioxidants. Additionally turmeric has been known to help one's blood pressure. Due to having anticancer properties, turmeric may help in preventing DNA mutations.
Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil may keep your skin free from mild acne and the other topical issues such as improving scars and wounds. It also helps to get rid of dandruff, protect from insect bites and many inflammatory skin problems.Study after study has found that tea tree oil slows acne-causing microbe growth. The oil is commonly used as an essential oil with a high concentration.
Grapeseed Extract: Grapeseed extract is a potent antioxidant known to have anti-inflammatory properties. It also has good digestive benefits and can protect the liver from being damaged by many chemicals present in food because of its powerful functionality. Grapeseed extract, available in liquid, tablets, or capsules, has long been well-known and appreciated for its antioxidant properties. Health benefits include lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol and improving leg vein circulation. Grapeseed extract may have anticancer effects through regular consumption.
Lavender: It is a potent pain reliever and master muscle relaxant. Wounds heal faster due to the natural antibacterial properties of lavender against bacteria. The lavender essential oil may reduce anxiety. This purple flower is aromatic and soothing. Lavender essential oil is concentrated into various forms, including liquid, tea, gel, and powder. It generates a mood-lifting effect on the body. Lavender and rosemary oils may also support long-term relief of migraine headaches that last more than three days (1).
Lavender is a prominent part of many shampoos and hair care products, antifungal soaps, and health supplements. Studies also indicate that lavender helps lower estrogen levels in the bloodstream as an agent for preventing hot flashes related to menopause. It can directly affect mood and immune performance and also supports better sleep.
Rosemary: Rosemary is a herb rich in potassium and minerals which promote healthy skin. It promotes cell metabolism, circulatory function, oxygenation of tissues due to its effect on the blood-brain barrier. Rosemary has more anti-microbial properties than any other oil among all essential oils. This herb is known to prevent diseases in animals by slowing the growth of tumors and offering protection against cell aging, which also helps prevent arthritis.
Rosemary can be used as a natural astringent for dry skin patches and blemishes due to its ability to unclog pores by drawing excess oils to the surface where they can be sloughed away. The herb also acts as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, aiding tissue regeneration by putting 1 or 2 drops on the affected area, massaging it for a few minutes, and then rinsing with warm to hot water.
Mushroom: Mushroom helps boost your memory with the help of chemicals that build up inside it called ergothioneine, which effectively lowers blood sugar. There are also various types of mushrooms, including shrooms (mushroom caps), oyster mushrooms, portobello, and cacomorphocea species. While they have many benefits on their own, they contain lots of vitamins and minerals, such as Zinc. Portobello mushrooms contain coproscopic substances with anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. A powerhouse of vitamin D to help build strong bones. Oyster mushrooms have been shown to support lung strength, red blood cell volume and also support strengthening the brain.
Sea moss: Sea moss helps support both body and mind health. It eliminates many toxins that accumulate inside your liver, colon, kidneys, pancreas and skin. Sea moss helps support the body in fighting infections and with clear blood vessels. It also helps your body build up immune capabilities for a healthier longer life. It contains many vitamins, minerals, enzymes & amino acids that are capable of strengthening the colon resulting in improved digestive health & control! Eating sea moss will relax your nervous system and promote healthy breathing.
Plants are essential in our diet as they provide nutrients to our body and support health and wellness. Adding plants to your diet through food and supplements not only provide nutrients but also help the body fight infections and support detoxification.