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Before You Finish Your Order…Tap Into The Power Of Bulk Savings
You’ve made an amazing decision to try our Irish Sea Moss supplement today.
We are currently processing your order and you should receive an email in the next 15 minutes or so with your shipping details.
So many of our customers have mentioned that they would love to purchase more bottles of our fabulous Organic Sea Moss!!
If you are thinking more is better then I would like to offer you:
One opportunity to claim your bulk discount – without the bulk buy price tag!
Today you can add 6 more bottles of Organic Sea Moss to your order today and save $60!
That’s an additional 6 month supply of Organic Sea Moss for less than the price of 12 weeks at the regular price!
Stock up now while you can as this is your only chance to take advantage of our ‘New Customer Thanks’ special offer on Organic Sea Moss!